Raspberry - Herb Uses

WARNING - This herb affects uterine muscles and should NOT be given to women early in pregnancy.

Culinary (eaten)

The fruit of Raspberry (the berries) can be eaten fresh or juiced. Also used in jams, jellies, pies and other foods.

Infusion (like a tea)

Pour near-boiling water over the herb and let steep 5-10 minutes. Standard quantities are 75g fresh or 30g dried herb to 500ml water. The Infusion must be taken same day. It may be sweetened, but do not add milk. This is the best method for leaves.


A traditional Raspberry Tincture uses vinegar. Place clean fresh berries in a non-metallic container. Using a cider vinegar (unfiltered and unpasteurised is better), cover berries and steep for 3 days, stirring each day, strain and press vinegar from the berries. Measure the juice, add 450g honey for each 500ml of liquid. Simmer gently for 5 minutes. Remove the top scum, cool, bottle and use. Tinctures store very well.

Raspberry - Plant Information