Apple - Herb Uses

Culinary (eaten)

The greatest medicinal benefits are gained by eating the fresh fruits and drinking fresh unpasteurised juice.

Decoction (like a broth)

Slice three unpeeled Apples. Simmer in very little water until soft. Strain through a fine strainer, add a little lemon and drink cold. The Apple Water must be used on the same day.

Simmer the bark for 15-30 minutes and strain. Standard quantities are 75g fresh or 30g dried herb to 500ml water. The Decoction must be used on the same day.


A traditional Apple Tincture makes vinegar. Place clean fresh cut Apple pieces in a non-metallic covered container. Cover Apple pieces with cold water. Cover container and store in warm place for vinegar to develop. Skim off froth as process continues. When the vinegar smells and tastes right, strain Apple pieces, pour into clean bottles and cork. Tinctures store very well.


Roast an Apple and apply the pulp (as hot as possible) externally to the affected area. Replace as necessary.


A Compress is made by soaking a clean cloth in Apple Cider Vinegar and applying externally to the affected area.

Apple - Plant Information