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Infinisynth - Lyrics

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To Die For

lyrics and music written by KarrArikh Tor

from the albums Subnormal Episodes and default

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I arrived at the party early that evening.

I noticed everybody else was there

sitting around some large table

passing what looked like a bowl of blood or something.

I asked them what they were doing.

They all turned and asked me to leave the room for awhile.

  • Someone to die for, Someone to die

  • Someone to die for, Someone to die

I walked into the kitchen.

I noticed there was a body open lying on the kitchen table,

it's neck ripped wide open.

It seemed to have some kind of trough shoved into the side of it

dripping into a bowl on the ground.

I thought I should see if the police were notified

so I walked into the corridor.

I found the butler and told him about the circumstances I had found.

He said not to worry about it,

for that was their sacrifice.

  • Someone to die for, Someone to die

  • Someone to die for, Someone to die

I really don't think it was my fault.

I mean, they didn't tell me, or at least not to my face.

Like I'm supposed to listen to my answering machine or something.

It's not fair. I don't understand.

Why can I never see the sun again.

When I awoke I was surrounded by darkness.

I moved around the room till I found a door.

I walked through the door into the light.

I looked to the sky,

it was red.

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