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Demonic portrait

Preferred Amulet Setting

demonic portrait

Preferred Amulet Setting


"Not a union"

Assignment - Sloth Department, Ready Excuses

Job Title: Director

Rank: Supervisor

Human death: 1097 A.D.



Catherine Catherine

Thank you so much for the gift! I keep it on a chain around my neck

Dr. Meng Khala Dr. Khala

Remember your 6 month check-up!

no user pic available Abraham

It would be an interesting change to socialise with my director, although I really don't think I'd be comfortable.

Tronaugh Tronaugh

Glad you could make it to the party!

Susan Susan

I like the way you think. Can you help me with a transfer?

Greta Greta

I don't think my manager wants to get to know me...